Mountain bikes. Suitable for all ages!
Mountain bikes have features such as increased stress resistance compared to other bicycles, the particularly robust frame with a specially designed geometry to give the rider the confidence of off-road cycling.
The high profile tyres are wide enough and knobbed for better grip on uneven terrain, and the wide range of gear ratios help make it easier for the rider to climb slopes and places with uneven terrain. Some mountain bike models are equipped with front and rear suspension to give extra speed and comfort when riding on rough terrain.
Mountain biking is one of the sports that has been rapidly developing in recent years and is a good exercise for all ages and of course for youngsters.
But the benefits of mountain biking for elementary school ages are many:
Cycling in general is among the classic endurance sports that improve the respiratory and circulatory systems as well as the metabolism.
Aerobic exercise improves blood circulation, blood vessels and heart muscle heart works more economically and is thus less burdened. This means that resting and exertion heart rates are reduced.
It reduces the chances of atherosclerosis and the formation of thromboses. Blood flow is clearly better and greater than an unattended child.
In this way diseases of the modern "sedentary society" such as circulatory diseases, increased blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, obesity, cholesterol are prevented.
Especially obese children expose their health to various risks such as cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately, in the last 2 decades the number of overweight children in Greece has almost doubled. Approximately two out of ten children are obese and as age increases, obesity increases.
Exercise, bicycle training causes adaptations in the passive and active movement system. Muscle mass increases, tendons increase in strength and cartilage becomes capable of greater loads.
Muscle fibres are better perfused with exercise and can receive more oxygen, which increases their performance.
The body weight is actually transferred from the saddle and the knee and hip joints are not burdened. This is the difference with other sports as injuries remain proportionally low.
In particular, the mountain bike with the higher handlebars is ideal for younger riders as the strain on the spine is less and in combination with the thick tyres and high speeds, all-terrain movement on forest roads, paths and hills is easier.
At the same time, apart from the improvement of endurance, general physical condition, at young ages, neuromuscular coordination, dexterity, reflexes, determination, feelings of autonomy, solidarity develop, as well as the mental health of the child is positively affected through movement.
But the greatest joy of a young cyclist, apart from the exercise of the whole body and the maintenance of good physical condition, is the direct contact with nature, as it strengthens the relationship of the individual-child with the environment, creating environmental sensitivity and awareness. Especially in mountain biking, the change of landscapes, the degree of adventure, the sense of freedom and the feeling of moving quickly in the countryside away from traffic and noise while breathing fresh air, fascinate all ages, especially young children!
Edited by
Tsesmetzidou-Dalavika Despina, coach of the Cycling Club of PINEIOS