Get the helmet and let's go
A special protective cycling helmet is not optional, but essential equipment, especially for lilipedal bicycle users, as it has been shown that they are more prone to head injuries due to their driving inexperience and ignorance of the risks they run. A cyclist wearing a helmet is 88% less likely to suffer a head injury after a collision.
A cycling helmet is lined internally with polystyrene and is designed to protect the head in the event of a collision and acts as a shock absorbing device. When the liner is fully compressed, it provides no safety, and when it is crushed the helmet is useless and must be replaced immediately. Very often the helmet is destroyed without the compression of the liner and this is an indication that this particular one is not designed to last.
The helmet must fit the head perfectly to provide safety. It should not move to the left , right, front or back of the head. It should be adjusted in such a way that it fits firmly on the head up to the forehead and there should be a gap up to the eyebrows of about three centimetres, and it should not tighten at the neck when fastened.
Parents should encourage their child to wear a helmet, as this will help them develop a safe habit. Explain to him that a bicycle is a vehicle and not a toy, that a helmet will protect him in case of an accident and that professional cyclists always wear a helmet. Also reward him when he wears it and don't forget to wear a helmet yourself if you are cycling with him, so that you can set an example!
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Dalavikas bikes